Sunday, March 30, 2008
{ 10:38 PM }
yes..ii finally g0t 0ut 0f my h0use..lyk f0r weeks..being stuck..haha..and yes we finally went f0r a m0vie..lyk when's the last time we watched 0ne?0h shit..ii f0rg0t..0h jz asked viny h0ng..we watch Chang Jiang 7 Ha0 in cny time..haha...and bef0re dat was jay's m0vie..alth0ugh its abit crappy..hahha..hmm..step up 2 is s0 hip-h0p man..hahah..0nly this type 0f dance happen in America m0st 0f the time..its n0t s0meting we see s0 much 0ften in sg ya..the female actress seem n00b in the dance..but the guy is much better den her ii nice..with the s0ngs & all..ii l0ve the way they dance t0 the music in the ending..c00l!!=)) must g0 watch it if euu haven't yet..
Step Up 2 : The Streets
Labels: movies
{ 10:11 PM }
How to Play
1. Put your music player on shuffle.
2. Press forward for each question.
3. Use the song title as the answer to the question even if it doesn’t make sense. No cheating.
4. With the answers, give your own comments on how it relates to the questions.
5. Tag 5 people.
How are you feeling today?
Life Is A Highway - Rascal Flatts
true en0ugh its full 0f up & d0wns..
Will you get far in life?
Make A Wish - Zh0u Yu Min
if ii can make a wish ii h0pe ii can by far get better thr0ugh in life..
How do your friends see you?
Miss Y0u - Tensi0n
ii believe s0me 0f my friends truly miss miie al0t..
Will you get married?This is Me - Skye Sweetnamit will all depend 0n miie..
What is your best friend’s theme song?All My Life - Shayne Wardii will never find a l0ver sweeter den y0u.
What is the story of your life?Smack That - Ak0n
feel lyk smacking s0me ppl f0r ruining my life...=(
What was high school like?
Stay Away Fr0m Me - T0mmy Heavenly 6
ii was quite a l0ner in sch00l..
What’s in store for this weekend?
Miss Y0u - Westlife
will 0ways miss euu even if its f0r 0ne day..
How’s your life going?
I'm G0nna Scream - T0mmy Heavenly 6
scream all my life..
How can you get ahead in life?
The Li0n Sleeps T0night - N'Sync
ii will act 0nly when ppl sleeping..
What’s the best thing about your friends?
Everything F0r Y0u - Jang Nara
they will d0 everything f0r euu if they believe in y0u..
What song will they play at your funeral?
Dun G0 - Alex Du
this is s0 t0uching..
How does the world see you?
Shake D0wn - Ak0n
ii feel lyk shaking..
Do people secretly lust after you?
Say Y0u'll Be Mine - Steps
ppl l0ve t0 be with miie f0r the c0mpany..
How can you make yourself happy?
F0ll0w Me - At0mic Kitten
ii will ask ppl t0 f0ll0w in wadever ii d0..=)
What should you do with your life?
Bef0re It's T00 Late - G00 G00 D0lls
trying t0 treasure everything ii have in friends/w0rk/l0ve..
Will you ever have children?
Generati0n - Simple Plan
0h yes..there will be a generati0n f0r miie..
What song would you strip to?
Give Me Just 0ne Night - 98 Degrees
give miie 0ne night s0 ii can dance the night all way..
What does your mum think of you?
0nce In A Lifetime - Princessa
ii am her daughter 0nly in this lifetime..
What is your deep, dark secret?
Get Munk-D - Alvin & The Chipmunks
getting munk-d with the chipmunks is s0 c00l..
What is your mortal enemy’s theme song?
Imp0ssible - Bayje
imp0ssible f0r us t0 stay t0gether,dat's f0r sure..
What’s your personality like?
The Chipmunk S0ng - Alvin & The Chipmunks
Being lyk a chipmunk is s0 cute..
What song will be played at your wedding?
Sh0uld I L0ve Him - Namie Amur0
ii tink ii sh0uld l0ve him f0rever..=))
I am tagging:
1) Qianhui
2) Sue
3) Faz
4) Tse Hwee
5) Hui Lian
Labels: randoms
Sunday, March 23, 2008
{ 10:14 PM }
this week yes..yet again ii am staying h0me..ii hate staying h0me c0s euu knw wad..ii dun hab tings t0 eat...arghs..c0s ii nt used t0 staying h0me 0n a weekend..s0 thr's n0 f00d f0r miie t0 eat..n0w euu all knw why..ii lyk the 0pp0site 0f mr viny h0me..mine m0n - sat g0t f00d..sun n0 f00d..hahah..his is sun g0t f00d..m0n - sat n0 c00king..l0ls..=S and ii really get b0red easily ii can g0 fr0m surfing/playing games/watch tv/sleeping.and then ii will jz repeat this again..aft ii wake up..
ii am s0 SUPER B0RED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Labels: miscellaneous
Friday, March 21, 2008
{ 3:41 PM }
I was out walking with my 4 year old daughter. She picked up something off the
ground and started to put it in her mouth. I took the item away from her and I
asked her not to do that.
Why?' my daughter asked.
'Because it's been on the ground, you don't know where it's been, it's dirty,
and probably has germs,' I replied.
At this point, my daughter looked
at me with total admiration and asked, 'Momma,
how do you know all this stuff, you are so smart.'
I was thinking quickly. 'All moms know this stuff. It's on the Mom Test. You
have to know it, or they don't let you be a Mom.'
We walked along in silence for 2 or 3 minutes, but she was evidently pondering
this new information.
'OH...I get it!' she beamed, 'So, if you don't pass the test you have to be the
Exactly,' I replied back with a big smile on my face.Labels: reads
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
{ 8:59 PM }
113 wordsell0 Sue..if euu are reading this..hahha..try beating this rec0rd..ii did it when ii am in 0ffice..hahha..rabiah can be my witness..l0ls..
Labels: randoms
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
{ 1:00 AM }
hey every0ne try d0ing this speed test & put it 0n yr bl0g..let's see h0w fast euu type..hhahhaha..
61 words255 points, so you achieved position 330752 of 1160428 on the ranking listYou type 340 characters per minuteYou have 61 correct words andyou have 0 wrong words
Speed test
ii jz re-edited it c0s f0rg0t t0 put this sentence..s0 ii tried the test again..t0 get the 61 w0rds/minute..hhahha..
Labels: randoms
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
{ 9:09 PM }
even if its f0r 0ne day..
ii am 0s0 siianx l0r..
ii s0 wanna g0 0ut..
l0ng time nvr walk 0rchard && t0wn area le..
ii tink ii am l0sing t0uch..
0f the 0utside w0rld..
if ii dun find a way 0ut 0f this..
ii tink ii am...
been habing a headache since sunday..
alth0ugh ii g0t well 0n m0nday..
been having it again t0day..
ii dunknw yy..
maybe ii g0t stressed by her..
0ur principal..
as l0ng as thr's n0 her..
den maybe ii wun hab t0 lunch at 12pm..
all because she tinks ii din pick up a certain call..
s0metimes ii tink she's the r00t 0f the pr0blem..
dat makes every0ne fed-up..
in the first place..
Labels: randoms
Sunday, March 09, 2008
{ 9:01 PM }
pls dun ask yy all the sad faces..
Labels: miscellaneous
Friday, March 07, 2008
{ 7:33 PM }
t0day j0lly assigned a task f0r mary t0 d0...s0meting berii c0mplicated..t0 switch tw0 specimens' names ar0und..A t0 B, B t0 A.yep...mary did the first part..den aft the lab return t0 her..she checked abit & pass the f0rms t0 qianhui t0 print....(hmm,whr's the resp0nsibility t0 handle the case?)s0 qianhui take it (unwillingly)..mary t0ld her t0 print and pass it t0 miie t0 d0uble check..aft dat qianhui actually wanted t0 check the rep0rt but f0und dat the results dun tally..s0 Mary asked qianhui t0 ask Lab(Mr Ye0) whether the results shld tally with the number 0r switched 0s0?s0 qianhui 0f c0s pass t0 miie...t0 ask him lar...den ii s0rt 0f went up t0 him and ask him if the results it shld tally with A 0r B?s0 he changed the results t0 suit the req f0rm..and the nxt ting ii pass it t0 qianhui..she say the results dun tally..den mary asked her t0 check it 0ut with j0lly..c0s they agreed t0 switch 0r wadever the ting...den j0lly jz burst 0ut at mary saying ii pass it t0 euu t0 handle h0w c0me miie(felicia) is inv0lved..?if euu(mary) dun wanna handle pls let miie(j0lly) knw first..erm..s0 ended the m0ral is nxt time b0ss pass the ting t0 euu t0 handle pls handle it 0hkays...dun anyh0w pass t0 the 2nd pers0n t0 d0 it..thankiiews..!!
Labels: work
Thursday, March 06, 2008
{ 7:11 PM }
ii tink ii've g0ne crazy 0ver "0range picant0" yep..but ii n0t t0king b0ut euu, ziddy..the ting is ii kip seeing 0range picant0s f0r the past few days..alth0ugh yes..ii see ziddy's car every single day with0ut fail..unless she happen t0 drive the car which ii 0f c0s cann0t see lar..argh..really g0ing crazy lia0x..yy cnt 0ther c0l0urs 0f picant0??yy 0nly 0range picant0s..:(
Labels: cars
Tuesday, March 04, 2008
{ 12:49 AM }
jz wanna let sue knw ii really appreciate her staying back t0 help miie check s0me 0f the rep0rts..alth0ugh it t00k a wee bit late..alm0st 9.25pm bef0re they can g0 back..ii knw s0me 0f euu are c0mplaining b0ut the f0nt size 0n my bl0g being small & all..0ky 0ky..ii will try t0 change the design 0ky..hmm..maybe ii shld m0ve the design t0 an0ther addy..hahah..0ky lar..end 0f st0ry..t00t..!
Labels: designs, work